Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Merino Wool

Super Soft Merino Wool

I have found a new love!!!  This amazing fiber is so super soft, Im talking baby butt soft!!! The possibilities are endless! I love to work with it! 

Right now I am limited to making braids for photography props. But I will soon be dyeing my own to make custom colors and multi colored braids. 

Now if I could just get my Hubby to get me a spinning wheel them I would be in fiber HEAVEN!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

He Has His Moments :)

Yes I am talking about my Husband.
We have been married for almost 11 years, have had 4 beautiful children together, and he has raised my oldest son as his own. He is a hard worker and my best friend. And 90% of the time he is also the reason I want to scream and bang my head against the wall. But isn't that what husbands are for?! He is very talented and every so often he uses those talents to do something for me...ok more often than not. After all that is how he shows his love, making gifts.  
I am a total artistic mind, organized chaos. For a long time I've had yarn stock piled, stuffed everywhere I could. I really have an addiction to it.  I've tried many different ways of storing it, in plastic tubs, totes, on shelves and everything else I could think of.  Most of the time I ended up like the crow on The Secret of Nimh, completely tangled in the threads.

Well my poor Hubby has put up with this for years, and being a little OCD himself it had driven his to bang his head against a wall too!! He had enough last week, no longer could he look at my laundry baskets full of yarn. He went into the garage and a few days later had made me a beautiful masterpiece.

With great details

And plenty of room

No longer would I have to deal with tangled messes and buying the same yarn over and over because I was unable to find the skeins I already had. 

He even put it next to the TV, sort of an art piece

Yes crochet and Supercross...cuz thats how we roll!!!!

And my favorite part....
Theres still room for more!!!!
Thank you Loover!!! You are the BEST!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Photo Editing

As a mom I have taken thousands of photos. I have always just used your standard point and shoot style of camera. But when I started Hopelessly Hooked I knew I needed more.My photos started of crude, with low quality and very little editing.  I knew that I needed to find a better way.

With the use of my iPad I was able to get pretty good pictures, but it was limited without a flash I had to wait till day light to photograph my projects. Which if you are a crafter you know that as soon as you finish a new project you just can't wait to share it with others!!
Right before Christmas I got an iPhone, hoping that it would take great pictures and because it had a flash.  It take great pictures...for a phone. I was pleased but still not satisfied. 

Then my WONDERFUL Husband bought me a Nikon Coolpix P510.  Better than my previouc camera iPad and iPhone.  This is a great little camera, better pictures and features than most point and shoots, and a much better price tag than a high end professional camera.  For about $350 it was a great buy.  

So then it was on to my next step, editing...Gulp!!
There was no way that I would be able to afford a program such as PhotoShop, but I wanted to do more than just crop and rotate. And I really needed to be able to add a watermark to my photos.
My wonderful brother helped me out with this. He is a graphic designer and he had previously designed my logo and cover photos. I would email him my photos and he would add my watermarks. A huge help!!

But I still was not satisfied.  I wanted to edit to change things around, play with different effects, add things and remove others from my photos. So after hours upon hours playing around with different  photo editing programs online I found Picasa. I love it! It works great for what I need. I am no professional but still love to show my artistic side now and then.

I was to be able to layer multiple pictures, add text and other effects. Although it cannot do all that some of the higher end software can, it is just about perfect for what I need, although I still have to send the photos to my brother for a watermark.
I have come a long way on my journey of photography, and I can't wait to see where it takes me next!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Project Linus

This past November my daughter Addison became very ill and we were in the PICU at Renown Hospital in Reno for about a week. With in the first 10 minutes of arriving at Renown she was given a beautiful handmade crocheted blanket from Project Linus. It was purple, soft and so full of comfort. Having this blanket seemed to make the whole experience that much easier. Being able to snuggle up with it not only made her feel more at ease but also my husband and I. It was like having a big hug from someone who cares.  She took it with her to MRI's, X-Rays, MRA's and many other test.

Now we are back home and Addisyn has made a full recovery. She is very much a typical 2 year old and our little miracle.  

Since this wonderful gift has given us so much comfort and means so very much to us, I have decide that I am going to become a "Blanketeer" and give back to this wonderful foundation.  
So during the month of March for every 3 orders I receive on my Facebook Page or my Etsy Shop I will donate a blanket.  
Please spread the word about this foundation. They are always in need of volunteers and donations of both blankets and monitory.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

CHP Baby Blanket

Custom Print Fabric 

 At first I thought this would be a simple, quick blanket.....
That turned out to not be the case...
All of the hand sewing that  needed to be done took a lot of time! But I had a blast making it and hope to make more in the future!! There are even some people interested in full size!!!
This blanket was a made a a special request from a fellow CHP wife.  She is going to use it to tell her Hubby they are expecting!!!! 

Friday, January 25, 2013